In many civilizations the seats or cities of power have a draw for its people. Ottawa rests in Region 6; however the halls of power have no hold over the power of The Great Creator. There are so many roads to follow in this Region that seem to end in enchanted Forests, Lakes and Streams. One can take a road and see all sorts of wonder and beauty, then turn again and see much more. The depth of Beauty affects one’s soul. This perhaps is the great lesion of Region 6, for as many depths you see or witness, there are more to be found just around the Corner. It is buried in its members to just know that the world holds more than one layer. Our Past Chief Elmer St.Pierre and another great Leader, Elder from the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory once spoke about how just Beneath the Surface of Fort Henry of Kingston there was beauty and no building could stop it from breaking through. Mother Earth and Our Peoples are like this, for all the ills done to us or piled on will not stop us from breaking free and showing our Beauty. This is the Spirit of Region 6 for these members keep showing the Beauty that is in the World and within them. This Spirit has been imparted into OCIP and this lesion will never be forgotten. For OCIP does see beauty where there are only rubble on top. It keeps moving on and allows the Beauty to come up. So let the Halls of Power rule, in the end it’s the Beauty of the Indigenous People that will shine through.

Region 6 Governor
Thomas St.Pierre