OCIP has always believed that the re-establishment of Metis, Non-status, Status, and Inuit groups Spirituality and Cultural distinctiveness are of little or no use unless OCIP is involved in its Perspective Regions and Communities. It is like being in a fog and having a loud voice, but standing still and expecting someone to find you. We must move towards people and for us this means going out and engaging them. For once a true bond has been established it is not easily broken.
As we have read before about our Spirituality and Culture the passing on of these lessons are what truly is at the heart of what OCIP is all about for our connections makes us so much stronger. We of OCIP have the ability to share our stories, wisdom, beliefs, passions, etc. to but a few people at a time, however together our voices will last for generations. It is this idea that is at the heart of all oral traditions. For these great ones have learned that a story will be retold again and again, while an idea perhaps will last as long as its hearing. Do you not remember the stories of your childhood or youth far easier than any idea even from last month? This is the power of story and what gives story its longevity? It is many voices carrying it.
The exact same thing is said about Community, for the more voices, workers, etc. makes any organization stronger. So the going out to our communities only adds new voices, perspectives, etc. to the mission of this organization. Where OCIP is ever different is that it has become a living being. The stories, passions, causes, ideals, etc. have come together to form a living tribe of not just members but of family. Yes we all come from different places, but we all strive for similar things. Every one of us is working towards that bright day when the shames of the past are never to be repeated and where we as one People will hand off a world to the future without the fear that the past will be repeated. Where those whether great or small and even those in between are as one and our Culture is understood. All the while our Peoples are safe and sound and the ills of the lost culture no longer haunt us.
This is the Goal and yet all that is truly needed is to bond together today and continue to push towards this goal. Only together will we ever be able to stay strong and to be healed. So let us all bond together to bring this future into being. For our Spirituality, Culture and Traditions are not just for the healing of ourselves, but it is also what Mother Earth needs today and if we listen we will hear the Great Creator is calling us all to engage in this path.