OCIP Secretary
Lucie Beaudry

As a great messenger or runner of old, that runs from village to village with words of wisdom and information. We see that they often hold the fate of the whole tribe or organization in their words. For even though it is not their words they speak, the recording of these words must be correct. This same responsibility is with our own OCIP Secretary Lucie Beaudry for she brings the message, minutes, directives, etc. from the Board and Governors to both the People and to the Governmental officials in Toronto and further. She holds the Official filings in the same way a messenger holds a directive from a Great Chief. Often the fate of all the Peoples is in these words and must be conveyed with correctness and wisdom.
So what Secretary Lucie Beaudry as with all of OCIPs past Secretaries is an exacting nature, there the message, minutes, directives, etc. is the truth and all other personal issues are left at the door. The wisdom of this Messenger is not in the ability to record every word spoken, but to relay the message of these words. Secretary Lucie has wisdom beyond her years. Because this skill is not one everyone has, but in fact is a gift from the Great Creator. It best paraphrased that a runner of fast feet and even faster mind is not a good Messenger, but a Messenger of slow precise mind and feet is what is always wanted in a messenger. For the exact words and spirit of the message must ever be safeguarded. This is the way of our Secretaries Now and in the Past. Lucie and those before her have the keen mind to hear the message and record it for its intended audience.
OCIP is certainly blessed to have Secretary Lucie Beaudry in this great position for her wisdom spreads the message to all its intended audience whether in the Halls of Government in Toronto, to the Boards rooms all over Canada and to the People of OCIP. For her recorded, for all time, messages keep OCIP in accord with all the hearers and inform all of its happenings. May the Great Creator continue to give Secretary Lucie the wisdom to bring OCIPs message, minutes, directives, etc. to all those that must hear it.

As A Messenger Runs through the woods to Deliver the Good News of the Tribe or Group,
So Does OCIPs Secretary Lucie Beaudry deliver the Good News of OCIP

Secretary Lucie Beaudry is Ever diligent to pass on all important and relevant Information to the various Government agencies and/or officials.