There was once a story told of how man was so afraid of the night that he asked the Great Creator for a sign that the sun would arise again and all would be safe. So the Great Creator took pity on man and decided to give him two signs one in the morning light and one at falling of the sun. He gave man the great pink sky at night to tell him that the sun would return and then in the morning he gave a pink sunrise to tell him all would be good for the sun had returned. It cannot be remembered exactly what place this story comes from, however when one drives the roads of Region 2 at the sunrise or the setting of the sun one knows that the Great Creator has blessed this Region. The rocks, water, trees, land, etc. just sings that the Great Creator blesses this land every day and wants them to remember that tomorrow is yet another day of blessing. There is a spirit that is in the people that says they know it’s true. Is it any wonder that there is so much indigenous heritage found here? Mother Earth seems to send its strength into the people every day and gives them good dreams at night. Wisdom is found in this Region’s members and OCIP has been made stronger from their strength and Wisdom.