OCIP Youth Representative
Kerstin Louttit

The time of youth is like these young Bears lives, each step is an adventure that is new and ever filled with the possibility of some new sight or sound. Also, each of these Young ones is trying to push their way into this new world, so nothing holds them back. It takes their mothers caution that teaches them that restraint is also possible. Oddly with restraint comes both grace and wisdom. These lessons just grow until these young Bears are ready to take on the world. Who knows where they or any Young person will end up? The Great Creator created a pattern for life that ever has our young ones going through different stages until they are ready to make their mark on this world.
OCIP and indeed the Indigenous manner have always opened up this path for youth. The time of youth is both brought into the leadership of OCIP and is allowed to grow with it. OCIP believes that since its decisions effects the future generations, then they must be a part of this decision making process. Also, the voice of youth often gives great direction as this voice shows us that we need to not forget when we were young. Also, like these young Bears they have no fear of facing the future. The top of the hill is where they strive for, then what’s on the other side. On and on they go, with an energy that fails them not. To the next great thing or adventure, in fact they are just creatures of the Great Creator that are happy to be a part of the adventure.
This is exactly how Kerstin Louttit approaches her role as OCIP Youth Representative, with the adventure of the day and the promise of tomorrow. She has been blessed with the knowledge and wisdom that comes from remembering what was and seeing what could be. She imparts this wisdom into the dealings of OCIP and also brings the voice of those she represents into every function or meeting she is involved with. It is no wonder that OCIP strives for the top of the hill and then what is on the other side. Further, Kerstin adds a connection to the land and all the Mother Earth holds dearly. She is often pictured being one with those creations and she adds this zeal to her discussions. So health, passion to protect all Mother Earths creatures guides her as well as this wisdom she brings to the circle of OCIP’s leadership. So just like these young Bears, Kerstin is making a mark for her fellow youth and herself in this world.

The Longevity of any Organization that wishes to both last and effect real change is by engaging the Youth.
For they Will be the Voice of Tomorrow

Kerstin has made many Connections over her Time as OCIP Youth Rep. She is very Approachable and will represent your concerns.
So Please Contact Her.