OCIPs Mandate or Primary goal “is to be a political voice for status and non-status Indians off reserve and Métis residing in Ontario; and to carry out its role as an affiliate member of the Congress of Aboriginal People (CAP), the national organization which is the political advocate for Indigenous peoples living off reserve; and to ensure a special relationship exists between the government of Canada and the OCIP constituency respecting section 91(24) of the Constitution Act 1867 and seek collaboration and coordination with the Government of Ontario”. In 2018 it was noted that there was many Inuit groups living off reserves in Ontario so this group has been added to the Mandate or Primary Goal as well.
The Mandate can and is found in many of OCIPs chief or governing documents, like its Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Articles of Name Changes, Filings, etc. It must also be noted that OCIP has the responsibility to review with CAP all of its documents that are included in the affiliation agreements between the two separate organizations. All must be attended to on a Yearly or “As need arise” basis. Most of this information is either overseen and/or supplied by OCIPs Secretary.
Next, a huge responsibility is the Financial responsibilities set out by Various Funders, Agencies, etc. that must be met. So the daily, monthly, etc. record keeping must be a certain and concise responsibility that OCIP must undertake. These records then are translated in various reports, notes, filings, etc. to the various funders and/or interested parties whether in a Governmental or Oversight Capacity. It must be noted that All of these records that are “in any way” related to the Financial and/or Funding related (including progress reports, minutes, etc.) is turned over to OCIPs Auditors, presently BDO Canada, for review/auditing purposes. After this Review, Summation, etc. there is an Audited Statement, including an Independent Auditors Report that is then submitted to all necessary parties, organizations, agencies, etc. This is all overseen or implemented by OCIPs Treasurer.
Before we close the more official components of OCIPs mandate and responsibility, it must be noted that Our OCIP Chief must oversee all of the above responsibilities and is responsible for the Overseeing and thereby signing of all OCIP contracts, reports, filings, undertakings, etc. The concept of the “buck stopping here” is ever present. For the Chief is always acting on your behalf and therefore must be ever diligent to make sure all is going as it is supposed to.
Next, but of a very different level of responsibility and authority is OCIPs 9 Regional Governors. These Women and Men are there solely to serve you the members. Since they are solely chosen by the Regions to represent their interests they are always connected to your wishes and desires. They then must bring this wisdom to the greater whole of OCIP to represent it on the Ontario, and Canada stage. They then must bring back all this information to you the members. This back and forth is tiring in a very different way for your concerns are ever growing and they must change with them. It is not said of any Regional Governor that they have nothing to work on for they always have some concern to bring forth.
Lastly, but in NO way least is the Youth Representative, their mandate in a manner of speaking is the future. They are there to make the voice of the youth or future generations heard. It was decided long ago that this voice although always shifting must be represented by both well informed and motivated young person. The pressure of all those listed above was brought made known to the Youth Representative. There was never a moment that the idea of “Just Filling this Position” was present. For to those listed here the education that this Youth Representative received and the voice that they carried every day was of more importance the having a position filled. This showed OCIPs dedication to the future and then the Youth Representatives all fulfilled their duty beyond measure, thus ensuring that the Youth was well represented.
It is always noted at any meeting, event, AGA, etc. of OCIP that these Mandates are always at the forefront of the thinking.