OCIP Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) Program.

What we do
The Ontario Coalition of Indigenous Peoples (OCIP) provides assistance and funding for training and skills development for Indigenous Peoples living off-reserve. Through the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) program, the program is designed to help Indigenous Peoples prepare for, and find high-demand jobs that will help address Canada’s labour market challenges. Funded through Employment and Social Development Canada, OCIP’s employment programs and services provide Indigenous Peoples the opportunity to gain the skills required to find employment and fill job gaps in sectors experiencing skills and labour shortages. The ISET program is targeted to Indigenous Peoples living in urban, rural and remote areas throughout Canada. Those eligible to apply include Indigenous youth, women, single parents, mature workers, persons with disabilities and those experiencing career change or transition.
What we provide for clients
Employment Counseling – assists and guides individuals with career planning, training, labour market information, resume preparation, job searches, interview techniques, etc.
Skills Training – assists individuals with skills development by providing funding for training.
Wage Subsidies – provides work experience by providing wage subsidies to employers.
Self-Employment Assistance – provides financial assistance, business training and professional support that enable clients to develop a business plan or start a business.
Individual client funding
OCIP’s ISET program has funding available, and would like to sponsor off-reserve Indigenous students currently enrolled in or starting skills training programs. We can provide tuition, textbooks, supplies and material costs for students in certificate programs, diploma programs (up to 2 years) or in their final year of an undergraduate degree program. OCIP can also provide a living allowance (based on financial need) to the student. We can sponsor Indigenous students who are:
- Non-Status
- Metis (including those who are unable to apply to the Metis Nation of Ontario for funding)
- Inuk (Southern Inuit)
- Status who are living off-reserve and not able to apply to their band for funding