OCIPs Governance has always been based on an outer circle of Regional Governors (9 in total) whom act as both the liaisons and managing Governors of these Regions. Their main role is to carry the desires of the Regions to the Chief & the Board, who act as the day to day managers of OCIP. Also, these Governors are to take the information, accomplishments, programs, etc. to the Members in their specified Regions. It is the Role of the Chief to represent OCIP in all matters related to its Mandate or goals.
In these roles the Circle of OCIP is maintained, then as with any organization there was added many roles that uplift your needs, wishes, directives, etc. The Provincial Elder was installed to represent the spiritual and cultural needs of OCIPs Membership. Also, there was the addition of the Youth representative that would bring forth the voice of youth or the future. Each voice, whether with an official vote or not was always heard. Who was in charge was never the real issue; it was more of collective format. Yes, Governmental, Corporate, Non-Profit directives were all followed, but OCIPs leaders has always believed that they are there to serve its People and as such these are the principles that always guides its decisions and working.
So it must be now and always known that you can Contact the OCIP Leadership at any time for they are there to assist you.